Our Story

 Hello, we are the Meyers Family. In July of 2021 we were expecting our fifth baby.  At 38 weeks (full term) labor started and we went to the hospital.  We found out shortly after arriving that our baby no longer had a heartbeat and would be stillborn. 12 hours later we delivered our perfectly beautiful 6lb 12 oz daughter Terra Nichole. After delivery we learned that she died from a true cord knot in her umbilical cord and umbilical thrombosis (blood clot).  It was completely unexpected and it blew apart life as we knew it. 

  We went home to our four children with an empty carseat and broken hearts.  We had to learn what this new world of grief would mean to us, and how to operate in a world where not everyone knows our baby died or what to do and say for someone experiencing an unimaginable loss. 

The Grief Closet idea was born out of the longing we had for the public to know that our hearts were hurting and a piece of us was missing.  We also quickly learned of the lack of support and understanding from the general public in how to support and honor someone who is grieving. 

Providing our fellow community of grievers with thoughtful items to bring into their home and closet has been therapeutic and helpful for our own grief journey.  Our hope is that through The Grief Closet we can help to normalize the topic of grief and help support people with ideas and easy ways to show their loved ones they are thinking of them.

Whether you are experiencing loss yourself, or providing support for family or a friend, we are sorry you're here. Our hearts go out to all those who grieve. 

10 % of our profits will be donated to various non profit organizations fighting to end preventable stillbirth.  See our "resources" page for more ways to support, and information on Stillbirth, Baby Loss, and Grief.